Your logistics partner for global transport

Van Thiel Transport has been an international transport company with a high customer focus since 1989. Streamlining and managing your goods transport and logistics processes is our focus. This will save you time and costs that you can instead spend on growing your business. 

So with us, a deal really is a deal; we do what we promise.

daily transports
scheduled services to Germany

Transport throughout Europe and worldwide

Wherever your shipment needs to go, Van Thiel Transport ensures that your goods reach your customer on time.

What originated from my living room in 1989 has since grown into one of the largest freight forwarders on Germany. It makes me proud to have achieved this with our team. Our years of experience and logistics network guarantee efficient delivery of your goods, saving you time and money on transport.

Reliability is our top priority and we strive for long-term partnerships with our customers. Therefore, good service is important: every customer and shipment deserves punctuality and personal attention. Every shipment is carefully and safely transported and delivered.

Our team is customer focused and that is clearly reflected in our customer service: we know our customers and can handle any query quickly and efficiently. With our open and transparent way of communicating, we proactively keep our customers informed about every transport.

Proven global logistics network

Every shipment is delivered anywhere in the world

One address for every transport

All of your logistics are taken care of by us, without intermediaries

Personal attention and proactive

Customer focused and excellent customer service

Responding quickly through scheduled services

With our own scheduled service, we are flexible and offer quick lead times

Discover how Van Thiel Transport can streamline your logistics

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