Worldwide sea freight handled carefree and transparently by Van Thiel Transport

At Van Thiel Transport, we understand that reliable and safe transportation of your international sea freight is of great importance. Your goods cross seas and borders and face regulation and customs clearance. With Van Thiel Transport as your partner in the entire logistics process, you can count on carefree global sea transport. And in the meantime, we proactively keep you informed about the status of your shipment. This way, you can outsource your entire transport with peace of mind.

Experience safe and damage-free transport to overseas destinations by Van Thiel Transport

With sea freight, as with any cargo, Van Thiel Transport looks at which type of transport suits your goods. Think temperature-controlled transport, refrigerated or frozen transport, but also special packaging that fragile goods may require. This way, we ensure that your goods arrive at their destination overseas safely and without damage.

As soon as your goods are ready, we will pick them up from you to take them to the port. We either come to you with a container or we pick up your goods in a regular truck and transfer them into a container suitable for your sea freight. Once at the port, the driver will ensure the proper transfer of your cargo to the ship. From here, your cargo travels on to international destinations such as China, the United States, South Korea, Vietnam and India.

Incoming sea transport at its destination anywhere in Europe

Van Thiel Transport handles many hundreds of cargoes of sea freight entering from outside Europe every year at the ports of Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Antwerp (Belgium), Algeciras (Spain) and Felixstowe (United Kingdom). From unloading at ports, to clearing customs and delivering your goods to their destination across Europe: Van Thiel Transport takes care of the entire logistics process. Our short lines of communication with logistics partners ensure reliable receipt and delivery of your goods.

Unloading and clearance

During the unloading of your sea freight, Van Thiel Transport’s driver will physically collect your goods as soon as they have arrived at the port. This may take place at a container terminal or other logistics warehouse. Customs formalities applicable to your goods are handled during clearance. This applies to goods imported from outside the European Union.

Further transport to all destinations in Europe

After clearing and unloading your shipment at the port, Van Thiel Transport ensures delivery of your goods to their destination, anywhere in Europe. There are two options here: the container is taken directly to its final destination (Full Container Load), or the cargo is transferred to a road transport most suitable for your cargo (Less Than Container Load). This depends on the type of cargo, at which port the cargo arrives and what the final destination is. With each incoming container, we calculate which option is most advantageous for you.

Worldwide sea freight well organised with Van Thiel Transport

Documents: avoid delays in customs clearance

Together with you, Van Thiel Transport ensures that all the documents for your shipment are correct, so that everything is in order during customs inspections. This prevents delays. The staff at Van Thiel Transport are quickly and easily accessible to help you with the documents relevant to your shipment.

During physical inspections by customs, incoming containers are always first subjected to a gas measurement to check that no dangerous gases have been generated in the container during the journey. If your goods are sensitive to this, please let us know so that we can take this into account.

Incoterms: agreed delivery terms for your sea freight

International Commercial Terms, or [Incoterms], are internationally defined agreements on the rights and obligations of buyers and sellers in international transport of goods. Incoterms define, for example, who arranges the transport and to where and who bears the risk in case of loss or damage.

Incoterms for sea freight

These Incoterms are specifically important when transporting sea freight:

  • CFR – Cost and Freight
  • FOB – Free On Board
  • FAS – Free Alongside Ship
  • CIF – Cost Insurance and Freight
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